PVAC Directory

Perkiomen Valley Aquatic Club (PVAC)

Position Name E-Mail Phone #
President Jim Melwert president@pvaquatic.com 215-317-5404
Girls Rep Amanda McPhillips girlsrep@pvaquatic.com 610-299-5310
Boys Rep Lisa Falco Lisa.falco@pvaquatic.com 215-896-5313
USA Rep Erin Battisto erin.battisto@pvaquatic.com 267-252-4518
Diving Rep  Kristi Crothers divingrep@pvaquatic.com  609-665-3180
Boys Coach Martin Zackowski m.l.zackowski@gmail.com
Girls Coach Emily Angst emangst@gmail.com
Diving Coach Kayla Kengle kkengle21@gmail.com 267-281-2680
TM/MM Contact Bryan Chain webmaster@pvaquatic.com 610-547-8875
Facilities Contact Jim Melwert president@pvaquatic.com 215-317-5404
Event Place Warmup Time Start Time
Swimming Perkiomen Valley High School
509 Gravel Pike (Rt 29), Collegeville PA 19426
1:15 pm 1:30pm
Diving Perkiomen Valley High School
509 Gravel Pike (Rt 29), Collegeville PA 19426
 6:15 pm Friday Night 7 pm Friday Night
Number of Lanes 6
Number of Boards 2

Does your facility have access to a gender‐neutral bathroom or changing facility? Yes

If yes, please put a facility contact (usually the president) above to answers questions from other teams. Jim Melwert