DCAA Directory

Dolphins (DCAA)

Position Name E-Mail Phone #
President Mary Kate McCottry dcaadolphins@dcaaswimming.org 215-264-0490
Girls Rep Joni Edel joni873@yahoo.com
Boys Rep Jodi Marx jheyman3@yahoo.com 215-510-0498
Diving Rep Barbara Yorke byorke@mindspring.com 215-882-3441
Boys Coach Michele (Shelly) Spooner shelly@dcaaswimming.org 215-313-2553
Girls Coach Michele (Shelly) Spooner shelly@dcaaswimming.org 215-313-2553
Diving Coach Ellen Zschunke ellenzschunke@gmail.com 215-828-6483
TM/MM Contact Michele (Shelly) Spooner shelly@dcaaswimming.org 215-313-2553
Facility Contact Michele (Shelly) Spooner shelly@dcaaswimming.org 215-313-2553


Event Place Warm Up Start Time
Swimming Upper Moreland Middle School
4000 Orangemans Road, Hatboro, PA
12:00 pm 12:30 pm
Diving Upper Moreland Middle School
4000 Orangemans Road, Hatboro, PA
7 pm Fridays 7:30 pm Fridays
Number of Lanes 6
Number of Boards 2

Does your facility have access to a gender‐neutral bathroom or changing facility? Yes

If yes, please put a facility contact (usually the president) above to answers questions from other teams. SAL REP